Sunday, October 28, 2012


One of the things that we tend to hold on to is the habits and patterns we've developed. My social psychology teacher from college had a good way to sum it up: Robots Are Good. He said that most of what we do during any given day is on autopilot. A really good example is thinking about tying your shoes. How long has it been since you've had to stop and pay conscious attention to what goes on with tying shoes? For almost everyone who'd be reading this, it's something we can do while half asleep or thinking about something else entirely. It pretty much seems to happen on its own. Given how many things we have to deal with in any given day, if we had to pay conscious attention to even half of them, we'd wear out far before we'd get any significant part of it done.

Routines also provide us with a sense of security and comfort. Knowing that we know how to do things and deal with them is a big boost to confidence and self-esteem. After all, think about what it's been like when you've been sick. All of a sudden, you're having to focus really hard to try to figure out how to deal with the basic, simple, day-to-day kinds of things. I know for me that it ends up making me feel like I've dropped 90 IQ points, utterly stupid. It's always such a relief when it feels like I can get back to doing what I've known to do and am able to do it.

When a spouse dies, all the routines that built up around that person are suddenly shattered. We no longer have the person around that we'd done things with, even day-to-day things like going grocery shopping or doing laundry or eating meals. Coming home is hard, especially if we're used to either greeting them or being greeted. The habit pokes and prods at us to find that person and talk to them...and they're not there anymore. Going to sleep is another rough one. Usually the night ends with your spouse there and, when they're not, it doesn't feel right. It's a reminder of the absence, and the reason(s) for it. I can't say from personal experience, but I'm guessing it's much the same that happens when people divorce, even if they're overall glad for the separation. Those habits and patterns still try to run, and now they can't because the person they're built to revolve around and involve are no longer there. I know for me it left me feeling at loose ends, like I couldn't handle anything all that well anymore. I was lucky that work hadn't had much to do with her, and so there wasn't the same kind of thing there. However, just about anything outside of work pushed at those same buttons.

To get a sense of normalcy, we look for developing new routines again. It's a sense of confidence, a sense of comfort, a sense of being able to handle a life over time. For me and several of the people I've talked to, the routines get built up around whatever it is we can find to hold on to and manage. Sometimes it's good ones, like starting to go to the gym and work out again, or maybe calling and talking to people every evening. At other times, those routines build up around things that aren't so good for us. One of the ones that I started up again was smoking. Yeah, I know, it's not good for me, it's expensive, it's got lots of health risks, yadda yadda yadda. At the same time, it also turned down the emotional intensity enough to let me deal with it. On mornings when things were going rough on an emotional basis, it gave me something to do that not only turned down the emotional intensity but gave me a sense of what I could do.

The hard thing that comes up in time is having to look at the routines that initially helped us get through the loss...and let some of them go. That initial sense of comfort and control they provide can be scary to let go. Life had been a confusing, painful, frightening, depressing, overwhelming mess before. The new routines came along and took at least some of that away. When the price they demand becomes too high, though, then there's the experience of looking at letting them go. Along with that comes the fear of things going back to the way they had been before, when the routines weren't there to help things make more sense.

And again we get another chance to find out just how strong we really are.


  1. I really like this post. And can relate to the ever-dropping IQ when tying shoes, and opening a door seems to no longer be on auto-pilot.

    Great post. I think you're doing a great job of documenting the intricacies of the journey.

    1. Thanks. It's always good to know that what I'm trying to describe fits with what at least some folks have gone through, too.

  2. Another great post! Having young children and wanting to keep our routines kept me sane those first few months after Steve died. There were many days I wanted to hide under the covers all day. I couldn't, though, because I knew three kids were depending on me and looking to me for strength.

    You hit the nail on the head regarding the difficulty of routines that revolved around or involved our spouse and no longer being greeted by that person when we return home. So hard, but we all are pushing forward.

    1. Thanks. It makes a lot of sense that the routines would be helping, especially with having the kids to take care of. Regardless of how you feel, they still need food & all the other care that goes with keeping them as healthy as possible. Not always fun to have to get up and do at the time, but it does get it done and help provide some sense that we can still do something!

  3. Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Life is busy.

    I think every once in a while what life might be like without those interpersonal routines that have developed and are developing in the family. It's not pretty. Those things really help to provide a sense of who I am on a moment-to-moment basis. I get screwy when I miss a few of them over the course of a few days, much less all of them over months and years.

    From a spiritual standpoint, I know that I am more than what I do. But it is very easy to get swallowed up in what happens day after day--the human condition, I guess.

    Thank you for the thoughts.
